The Making of Hermès

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes in a Hermes Workshop? How long does it take to hand make a Kelly and who these skilful Maroquiniers (Leather worker) are?

Peinture Sur Porcel - Porcelain Painter
Remailleur - Twin Set Linker
Sertisseur - Gem Setter

I had the absolute pleasure of attending Hermes' Festival des Metiers on the weekend where I met some of the finest artisans who specialised in Leather, Porcelain, Gems, Engraving, Printing and more!  There was an explosion of colour and textures in the exhibition space as a dozen or so workshops each dedicated to an element of Hermes demonstrated their craftsmanship and artistry. Just amazing! Part II - Watch an Hermès Jypseire come to life. Coming soon!
Check out Design Exchange, Canada's Design Museum for other cool exhibitions.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    Ple-e-e-ase continue you reportage in Part II - Watch an Hermès Jypseire come to life.
    Very intersting
